I guess I should write a post explaining myself. Seems prudent with the new blog and all...
6 months ago I gave birth to my first baby- a wonderful, healthy, happy baby girl. I'm already a step-mom to a 7 year old, but turns out that's nothing like having one of your own. My life, my body, my personality, my ideals, values... everything about me has changed. Well, sort of. It seems like everything has changed, but really I think having my baby simply helped change my point of view.
I'm passionate about many things, most importantly my baby and family, education, and EMS; I hope to go to medical school in a few years. I'm in grad school part time too. I was worried that my dreams to go to medical school may dwindle once I had my baby, but actually it was completely the opposite. I am now more motivated than ever to get there.
I don't have any specific plans for the blog. I enjoy writing as a means to blow off steam or simply express an opinion to a captive audience. I have blogged in the past, but not in the past several years, and after writing an article about breastfeeding in EMS (submitted for publication), I both remembered how much I enjoy blogging and also realized that I need some more practice with non-academic writing!
So feel free to follow me, share with others, and comment away.